
12 ways to increase sales on Amazon

Amazon is unarguably the biggest marketplace on earth. The platform gets billions of visitors every month. When you start selling on Amazon, you are getting in front of a huge set of potential customers.

The only problem is the level of competition that keeps getting tougher and tougher. Every day many new sellers join the platform and start selling. 

How do you increase sales amidst all this competition? Following are some simple but practical tips.

Spend some time learning the fundamentals:

If you want to increase sales on Amazon then you need to be prepared. There are some basic things that you need to get right before setting out for selling on Amazon. If you do not get these right, it will be very difficult for your business to succeed.

Amazon is a fairly simple platform. You do not need to spend a lot of time and money on Amazon selling courses. Most of them will teach you basic stuff. But you can go for a quick course like the Rainmaker challenge. Check these Rainmaker challenge reviews to see if it’s the right program for you. 

Optimize your listing:

Optimize your title, image size and description to accommodate keywords that a potential customer can use. Don’t forget to follow the rules and guidelines laid down by Amazon. If you don’t, your account might get suspended.


Meta-tagging is a very effective method of increasing sales on Amazon . Use relevant keywords in the meta tags for  the product you are selling on Amazon.

Use your keywords in the product description:

Most people often forget to use their keywords in the product description area. When someone searches for a specific keyword or phrase that best describes what you are selling, it will display on top of the results. Use your important words in the product description to attract more potential buyers. 

Use long-tail keywords:

You should always try to use long-tail keywords whenever you are creating your listing on Amazon. People usually search for specific items using these phrases so they are more likely to click on listings that include them in the title.

Use a Launch service:

One of the best ways to increase your sales is by using a launch service. These types of services help you boost your visibility on Amazon and at the same time, bring in new customers from around the globe . A good launch service will do things such as guarantee reviews, increase your rankings and bring in new traffic to your product. Good launch services increase all the vital aspects that help take your business to greater heights. 

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Make multiple listings:

Another effective way of increasing sales on Amazon is by making multiple listings. Instead of creating a single listing for an item you can make several variations with different price points and specifications. This way you will have more chances to compete with other sellers and capture a larger market.

Use high-quality images:

People who see your listing on Amazon are likely to click if it has quality pictures that do justice to the product. Make sure that the images for your product are beautiful, enticing and high quality.

Try paid ads:         

 One of the best ways to increase your sales on Amazon is by using paid ads. There are various types of ads available on Amazon that you can use to get more customers.  You can do this by creating an Amazon PPC campaign or simply pay-per-click on your listing. You can set a daily budget for the ads and they will run until you stop them. It is an effective way of boosting your overall sales on Amazon without having to invest too much money.

Use product research tools:

Jungle Scout is a very popular Amazon tool that helps you estimate the actual demand for a product and show you its sales estimates. This tool will help you choose what products to sell on Amazon and even identify niches with less competition.     

Use Fulfilled by Amazon:           

When you use the Fulfilled by Amazon service you don’t have to worry about anything. Once an order is placed, the products will be shipped directly to the customers. Your product listings will also be displayed at various price points for different customers based on their geographic location.

Take advantage of the Buy Box:

When you are the “winning seller” for a particular product, it is referred to as winning the Buy Box. In other words, you will be featured on top of all your competitors and appear first in searches by potential customers.

Get positive reviews:               

If a customer has received a product from you and is happy with what they’ve received, they are likely to leave positive reviews. This type of review will attract more potential customers and increase the number of people willing to buy from you. The same thing goes for negative reviews so make sure that all your products have high-quality materials and good customer service.

Chandra Shekar

I'm a tech enthusiast who loves exploring the world of digital marketing and blogging. Sharing my thoughts to help others make the most out of their online presence. Come join me on this journey to discover the latest trends in technology and digital media.

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