
How to play carrom online?

If you remember your childhood days then there were some famous games that you loved to play. These games included badminton and carrom. It is important to mention that with the passing of age, most of the people do not even know where their carrom boards are. But all thanks to technology which has been able to develop the games even in an online form. If you visit the Play Store then in the gaming section the most trending carrom app would be online carrom.

Why is carrom so important? How to relish this now?

It is one of the best memories of the childhood. At the same point of time it is equally entertaining and engrossing. In order to make it more productive this game is now linked to your bank account.  Whatever you earn by winning the game gets converted into Rupees which are then transferred to your account. With all the reasons it now becomes important to understand the method with the help of which the game could be played.

This article is helpful for explaining the step by step procedure to play this game and get exciting prizes in return. The list of the steps which have to be followed by every new beginner player has been given the following way to play the gaming app.

Download carrom online

If you visit Play Store or app store on Android and Apple Store respectively, then in such a situation you would be getting an option to download this game. Once you click on this option the downloading would automatically start. After the downloading is completed the game would get automatically installed in the mobile phone or desktop. After it has been installed you are all set to launch the game so that you can Begin ahead with your game with your friends and family.

Launch the game

Once you Tap on the downloaded icon the game gets launched. After loading the essential and important gaming icons and other types of themes it transfers itself to another screen. The players are given the option to choose the difficulty level of the game. They even have to decide the theme of the game. But the most important decision is with respect to the other opponents with whom you would like to play. The game is able to offer two methods.

The first one is to play this game with randomly any opponent that has been chosen by the gaming system itself. The next option is about creating a room and playing this game with the help of your friends and family with the help of the share option. It also allows you to invite your friends from social media accounts like Facebook and Instagram. You can also select the number of players with whom you want to play.

Start playing the game

After making all these settings you can now start playing the game. If you want to play this game then in the first place you need to understand the possibility of colours. You have to scroll down the radius so that the striker is able to hit the coins. With every coin that goes into the hole successfully you get a point.

You have to transfer the coins which belong to your chosen colour. Once you have transferred all the coins of your colour into the hole you will have to perform one last step. You will have to now strike the queen. Once you are able to achieve this target then you are declared the winner. During the game you also have to see that the opponent does not strike out the coins before you do.

Placement of striker

Since it is an online platform to play you have to be very conscious and careful about the placement of the striker. The striker would be controlled by the computer but the remote control would be in your hand. You have to hit it with such potential so that it is able to strike the coin and it goes into the hole.

The tangent at which the striking must be done should be analysed by the player on the spot. It is considered to be an important step in order to win the game successfully. If you miss out on terms then your opponent would be taking the opportunity and striking off his coins before you do. That is why in such a situation it is advisable to practice once before you start playing the game.

Transfer the reward

If you are able to successfully get a clean board then you win the game. If you win the game successfully then it becomes possible for you to get certain types of rewards. These can be converted into Indian currency which can then get transferred to the bank account. For this you will need to connect your bank account with the gaming account so that the inter application transfer can take place.

You also get different varieties of rewards like cashbacks and vouchers which can be used across different shopping websites. This is one of the most important incentives for playing the scheme effectively so that you win this bonus. Of course who would mind earning money by playing a random game in his leisure time. It is considered to be very important to transfer the award because if you do not do that it would Lapse in a time span of 24 hours.


The entire guide is definitely the most helpful method with the help of which you can understand the concept. It will definitely assist you in understanding the intricacies of the game so that you also become capable of winning this. It is an important method to utilise your leisure time.

In such a situation it becomes extremely important to follow this guide as it is if you actually want to play and win. You have to analyse the strategy of your opponent properly so that you win. But more than strategy it is your accuracy and speed that matters in this game. It is an important method for achieving a good result altogether.

Chandra Shekar

I'm a tech enthusiast who loves exploring the world of digital marketing and blogging. Sharing my thoughts to help others make the most out of their online presence. Come join me on this journey to discover the latest trends in technology and digital media.

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