
Injured in a Car-on-Truck Collision? Know Your Rights

truck collision


If you’ve been in an accident where the other driver was at fault, it can be not easy to know which rights you should pursue. Not only are there experienced attorneys on both sides, but every accident is different, and no two cases are identical. It may be challenging to decide who to trust when deciding how to handle your case. You should understand your legal rights if you’ve been injured in a car-on-truck collision and it was the other driver’s fault.

What are Your Legal Options?

Auto insurance exists to protect the injured person. It will pay for medical expenses and lost wages. In some accidents, an insurance company may be willing to explore a settlement rather than proceed to trial, saving time and money on both sides.

But if the amount of compensation offered by the insurance company is unacceptable, an injured victim can take legal action against the truck driver to seek recovery from that person. In some cases, an attorney can use a negligent party’s insurance against them using a third-party lawsuit. If you are hurt in a car-on-truck collision, it is possible and even likely that you have multiple ways to seek compensation for your injuries.

And if medical bills are a concern, there may be help from your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles. Many states have a form that you can fill out to have the driver’s insurance company reimburse you for the cost of your emergency room visits and prescription drugs.

A Wrongful Death Lawsuit is Possible

A wounded individual may be entitled to sue the truck driver for wrongful death in other circumstances. A person could file a wrongful death lawsuit if the truck driver were intoxicated, speeding, or driving recklessly when the car-on-truck collision occurred.

The deceased victim’s spouse and children may file a wrongful death case to seek compensation for their loss. It often involves a settlement, but they may try the case in court if the truck driver does not settle. A lawyer can help a family decide whether to pursue a personal injury claim or a wrongful death lawsuit.

Ask an Attorney

If you have been wounded in a truck accident when the truck driver was at fault, you must know your legal rights. But who should you trust when it comes to handling your case? The lawyer who represents the trucking company may not have your best interests.

When dealing with truck accident injuries, seek legal representation from a car accident attorney. A personal injury lawyer can help you through the insurance procedure, deal with the paperwork associated with submitting a claim, and ensure that your rights are protected.

Michael T. Gibson P.A. is an experienced auto accident attorney, who may determine which legal actions built the most robust case on your behalf. Car-on-truck collisions are complicated, and recovery may require taking multiple legal actions.

If you have any questions or concerns concerning your car-on-truck incident and how to pursue a settlement, contact an attorney now for a free case review. The consultation is free, and there are no fees until your case results in an award or settlement.

With Swenson and Shelly, you can now get Utah distracted truck driving accident attorneys who can help you gain compensations for your injuries and get justice over your situation.

Chandra Shekar

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